Thursday, January 13, 2011

Boy update

It's time for one of those snapshots in time where I can look back and see what my boys were all about back in the beginning of 2011.

Max (8yr old) - You continue to be a very heart-felt and empathetic person. You LOVE hugs from your littlest brother and get a little hurt if he doesn't want your affection in a moment of 2yr old defiance. You are still having a bear of a time with your spelling homework and I try to fight the natural pattern I fall into of getting crabby at you when you appear to give up on it. You are the team leader of the shenanigans that go on around here, and it is difficult when you brothers want to take their own turn and making up the rules of a game. But, with some encouragement, you are OK with it. When it comes right down to it, you are a very adaptable little man. I love you so much.

Spencer (5 and a half) - You are my incredibly loving and emotional little imp. The daily tribulations that used to turn you into a puddle of frustration (like putting on your socks if they were for some reason being difficult) aren't nearly as bothersome to you as they used to be. If I say no to something, you have grown up to the point that you can say "Ok mom" and TRULY be ok. Your devilish little smile can crack my heart open wide. Color by number is a current passion, though anything can wait if Phineus and Ferb is on TV. Your favorite snack is a pickle, or a bowl of cherry tomatoes. Apple slices will do in a pinch. Your favorite place in the world is still hanging from my body. I love you so much.

Calvin - (5 and a half) Whatever you do in this life, it will be with great determination and focus. You can be such a little goofball, but if you have something in mind, you will continue towards your goal come hell or high water. Unfortunately, the flip side of this is a strong leaning towards stubbornness, which I have to say you came by honestly from me. You DO NOT like being rushed or being told what to do... which is a bit of a tough road as a 5yr old. You love to read with us and are very interested in starting to read yourself. You love watching Max doing his homework, wishing you had some too. I love you so much.

Leo (2yrs old) - Oh, my little baby man. You think you are hilarious. You also think you are at least 5 years old if not older. Whatever your brothers are doing, you are right along side, not at all aware that you are limited by age and size. You love to dance, try to make us laugh, and snuggle up with us. You have really turned on the "mommy mommy mommy" lately. That includes who you want to change your diaper, so Dad doesn't get a complete bum deal. You have to have your stinky blanket shoved in your mouth to sleep, and you are showing similar focus to Calvin, especially if it involves your shoelaces. I love you so much.

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